Profile PictureFluffy Liko


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What do you get in this package ?

- Unity package for the Besuru on PC and Quest
- Customisable Subtance Painter texture file of the avatar
- Photoshop files based on the Substance Painter project
- Meshed UV map png to use as a texturing reference in other 2D software
- NeosVR version of the avatar
- Setup instruction

Rules concerning this product :

- As it is a digital product, no refund will be accepted
- Do not redistribute the files of the avatars
- Commissions are allowed, but you shouldn't give the files of the avatars to someone that don't own it themselves
- If you want to upload a public version of any avatar, you have to keep the credits visible on it
- Do not sell modified version of the avatar (Selling it on Sketfab, Gumroad, Booth, etc) without confirmed ownership of the original model (contact us on the Discord server for more informations)


What is a Besuru ?

A Besuru is a Fluffy Dragon type Species, these dragons have a luxurious mane with luscious hair running from the back of their heads. Their big mouths used for breathing hot flaming fire is one of the most prominent features of their face, sometimes these big mouths get used for eating birds in the wild. What type of birds you may be asking? Avalis of course! Besurus are quite picky when it comes to food. Most Besurus have scales running down from their tummy to the end of their tails, with their scales being as tough as a boulder! It acts as a shield to protect their most vital organs.

Besuru Sub Species

There are two sub species branching off from the regular Besuru! These Sub Species of the Besuru are known as the Fluffsuru and the Drasuru

The Fluffsuru :

These types of Besurus are known for being covered head to toe with fluff, with no scales to be seen anywhere on their bodies. These ones are known to lack the ability to breath fire, there have only been a few found to breath fire from this sub species type but they are unable to breath a dangerous amount. the Fluffsuru is known to live snowy areas as their fur protects them from the cold.

The Drasuru :

This sub type is known for lacking any fur on their body at all, instead being replaced with scales, though this sub type still has hair on the back of their heads. This sub species tends to live in volcanic and rocky areas due to how sensitive they are with the cold. The Drasuru is known for breathing the most fire out of any with their fire being able to melt the hardest metals!

Where do they live ?

Besurus tend to live in deep and dark caves with their eyes helping them see perfectly in the dark, hence the glowing eyes. When Besurus are hungry they send one Besuru out into the wild to catch their prey (being Avalis). Because Besurus are so big they tend to be easily seen before they catch their prey, never the less Besurus still manage to catch plenty with their mouths.

How do they communicate ?

Besurus dont have lips or teeth for that matter, their mouths are built for chomping and chomping only though they have made a way of communicating that is somewhat unique.. How do they communicate you might ask? Through incoherent "MAH" and "AAH" noises with the occasional "EH" sound, this is how a casual Besuru conversation would go: "mah! mah aa maah a mah ah!" "meh? mah aah eh ahh mah!!!"

Besuru Extras

Besurus while hunting target bigger, slower targets they can reasonably take on with their group's strength, things such as hippos, or even elephants at times are no match to a well-coordinated attack lead from a tribe's hunting party. It doesn't mean that smaller prey are excluded, as sad was the fate of one poor avali soul.

Besuru Tribes


Special thanks to those who participated to the creation of the Gumroad page !

- N5XK : Gumroad
- Cloveruu : TikTok
- EXTracXz : Twitter
- Shrimpy : TikTok
- Blueberry Cat
- Royal : TikTok
- Ketorgan : TikTok
- ShadowWolf962 : TikTok

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